Fun Stuff About Me

  • I love Blistex. I have one in every room of my house, car, and purse so there is always one within my reach. And, I don’t wear it the regular way. I only wear it around my lips, not on them. 😆

  • I have 2 rescue dogs that are a mix of chihuahua, poodle, terrier, and a bunch of other breeds. Their names are Luke and Lilith (they are siblings).

  • I can’t fully taste flavors. I can identify sweet, salty, and sour, but the nuances of flavor evade me. So, I’m happy with very bland food.

  • I am a trained priestess, initiated diviner, oracle, and channel, and I have a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Women’s Spirituality.

  • My favorite food is cheese.

  • I collect Tarot and Lenormand decks. Most people aren’t familiar with Lenormand, but stay tuned because I will share more about this later….

  • I love gnomes! They have recently become an obsession. I can’t stop buying them!!

Working Together

My Invitation

For those who yearn to explore the mystical and magical realm but are hesitant to do so, I offer a helping hand. There is an omnipresent energy source that fuels all of existence, which you can tap into. There are beings that are eager to be your allies and support system – all you have to do is reach out.

You don’t have to figure it out alone.

My Story

Living in Two Worlds: The Rational and the Spiritual

I have always felt that I have lived in two separate worlds: the rational, logical, and practical one, and the spiritual, magical, and mystical one. My heart has always been drawn towards the latter, and I've yearned to spend my life there. However, it never felt safe enough to do so. The society I lived in claimed that magical and mystical things were nothing but fantasy and that intuitive and unexplainable feelings, knowings, or experiences were all products of my mind. It insisted that taking any of it seriously was naive and ridiculous.

So, I concealed my curiosity and suppressed my desire to explore this non-ordinary realm. I did everything that I was supposed to do: graduated from college, got a job, got married, and bought a house. But these things were never enough to fill the void within me. I struggled with clinical depression and anxiety, feeling like there was nothing I could hold onto as everything slipped away from me, leaving me sinking beneath the waves of my despair.

Then I discovered the Welsh word, Hiraeth…..


A spiritual longing for a home which maybe never was.

Nostalgia for ancient places to which we cannot return. It is the echo of the lost places of our soul’s past and our grief for them.


Discovering Hiraeth: My Journey Towards Spiritual Homecoming

When I first learned about Hiraeth, everything clicked into place. Finally, I had a word to describe the deep sense of sadness that I'd been feeling for so long. It was a relief to know that I wasn't alone in experiencing this feeling, and it marked the beginning of my journey toward spiritual homecoming.

To start, I immersed myself in the study of world religions, mythologies, mysticism, and magick. Even though I was afraid of being seen as "weird" or "too far out," I felt compelled to keep going. There was a deeper truth that resonated within me, and my heart urged me forward.

Although my journey is ongoing and will continue for the rest of my life, I now feel like I'm on the right path. Internally, everything seems to be clicking into place, and I feel empowered and spiritually sovereign. I have the tools and allies I need to create a fulfilling life in which I thrive. No longer do I feel alone; when I become lost, I have guides and resources to help me find my way back.

This journey has been nothing short of life-changing.

  • Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. 

    ~ Anne Rice ~